A few editorial comments about
people who support Proposition 8.
1.) The lady (yes, apparently it is a lady) below is named Ginger Reese. You'd think that she would support marriage for everyone given the fact that someone as ugly as she is would need to consider all possible suitors--male, female, and trans--to have even the slightest chance of finding someone who would want to marry her.

2.) The gentleman on the far left of the photo below (the one with the cane) is anti-gay marriage, but that's kind of understandable. When he was serving in the Civil War under Lee, buggery was a scourge amongst the fighting men and he has been against it ever since.

3.) The woman below is Mary Strauss from Oakland. Someone should tell her to take off her Obama/Biden pin, since neither Democratic candidate supports her son's right to marry.

4.) The bebeh in the stroller pictured below is named Crysta Rice. Hopefully Crysta will grow up to be the biggest k.d. lang-listening, "L Word"-watching, cous cous-eating, crew cut-having, flannel shirt-wearing, Harley-riding, labrys tattoo on her bicep-displaying butch bull dagger dyke to walk the planet, ever.