Tuesday, January 29, 2008

Donor dollars at work: GLAAD's Internets strategeriez

Today Discipulus Legis discovered that GLAAD has made its first foray into the world of Google AdWords. That is, if you go to Google and type in certain search phrases, GLAAD will come up at the top of the page as a sponsored link. Hooray!

The only problem is that the GLAAD sponsored link comes up on pages where glaad.org is the first organic link anyway. So, if you type in "gay and lesbian alliance," GLAAD is the first organic link and the only sponsored link. If you type in other impactful key words--like "gay media" or "gays in film"--GLAAD is not one of the top organic links and there's no sponsored link.

I tested those phrases because they seem like they might be words that the average web user would type in to find out more about gays in the media, and thus would be the perfect opportunity to highlight GLAAD in a web ad. But, I guess GLAAD finds it a better use of their donor dollars to advertise on pages where they get top billing anyway. Such a smart and strategic strategy!

I am also very sad to report that GLAAD has not purchased the phrase "changing hearts and minds." This is an oversight that must be remedied IMMEDIATELY.

Here's their ad link if you feel like clicking (they have to pay up each time you do): Clickity-click

Saturday, January 26, 2008

Baby bok choy

The way that Sarah Silverman feels about BabyBel cheese is the same way that I feel baby bok choy, especially baby bok choy sauteed in garlic. Just thought I'd mention that.

Thursday, January 24, 2008


If I were not madly in love with Discipulus Legis--and still had access to the Legos I had as a kid--I might produce something like this. I think the final trio from Der Rosenkavalier cries out for this type of production.

Wednesday, January 23, 2008

Happy cows come from California?

I hate the "Happy cows come from California" ad campaign. Every time I see those mother f-ing commercials on TV, all I can think about is Cowschwitz, the huge factory farm that Discipulus Legis and I drive by on our way to and from San Francisco and Los Angeles. Um, yeah, those cows look really happy to be standing around in their own filth with not a single blade of grass to be seen for miles.

This is Cowschwitz from above:

Let's zoom in for a closer look. Each of those whitish dots is one of those "happy" California cows, thousands of them packed into 100 square miles of factory farm:

Then there's Discipulus Legis's picture that she took of what it looks like on the ground:

I guess if you like things that are wretched and miserable and covered in feces, "happy California cows" are for you.

Um, no you don't

As Wonkette.com so eloquently pointed out, either this person is a little person or she's a LIAR. Jesus hates liars, perhaps even more than murderers of the unborn:

Saturday, January 19, 2008

Changing hearts and culturing drug-resistant bacteria

Wow! GLAAD finally said something about the whole "staph is a gay bacteria" thing, and it was only four days after the original stories began hitting the news! I guess now their media response time can be upgraded from "molasses" to "tortoise." Way to go, GLAAD!

(BTW, the photo on the right depicts some of the culture-changing work that GLAAD sponsors, a fundraiser sponsored by Absolut. I wonder if epidemiologists went to a GLAAD event and found the source of the gay staph outbreak...)

Tuesday, January 8, 2008

Hillary for President

I've been having a hard time putting into words what has made me so sick to my stomach about the rush to support Barack Obama, especially in the wake of the Iowa primary. But, an op-ed in the New York Times today captured my thoughts perfectly:

"But what worries me is that he is seen as unifying by his race while she is seen as divisive by her sex."

Thank you, Gloria Steinem, for putting my finger on what's been making me so angry about Obama supporters.

Politics, especially presidential elections, are a life-sucking topic, so I will blog about it no more, but I will make this prediction: if Obama is the Democratic nominee, a Republican will be elected president in November. Progressives rely on voters who don't end up voting (remember how well going after the minority and youth votes worked for Kerry?) and overestimate the general electorate's tolerance on any number of issues, especially their tolerance of a black guy whose middle name is Hussein.