Wednesday, April 30, 2008

Itchy trigger finger

Now I've read a few reviews and seen a few videos, I am officially sad that I can't buy Grand Theft Auto IV. For those who have never played the Grand Theft Auto series, I must say there's nothing like coming home after a long, hard day at work and shooting a hundred or so people with an M4 assault rifle. (Discipulus Legis prefers grenades and a mini gun.)

When I was a kid, my parents bought me a new computer every other year and we always had the latest video gaming platform: Intellivision, Atari, Nintendo, Sega Genesis, PS1, PS2, Xbox... heck, I even a TurboGrafx 16. I'll add a PS3 to the growing list of things I can't afford (along with an iPhone) now that I'm an adult and pay my own bills.

Until prices come down, I'll always have video:

Thursday, April 24, 2008

GLAAD website parties like its 1995

--> WEB --> DESIGN --> AT --> ITS --> BEST -->


I'm taking a break from being obsessed by the election to post this:

There are no words to describe...

Monday, April 21, 2008

Hillary Nevsky

Another primary eve is upon us. I don't know if it's the book about Napoleon I've been reading, but once again my thoughts have turned militaristic. So, here's to Hillary once again holding off the hordes of hopeless Obamatards in Pennsylvania, much like Alexander Nevsky drove off the Livonian Knights in Russia so long ago (Prokofiev's "Battle of the Ice" has also been a favorite on my iPod as of late. See below).

Sunday, April 20, 2008

Hello there Senator, part II

Another picture of Hillary in anachronistic drag! Yeay! (Click here for part I)

And this picture isn't quite so drag-y, but I still like it.

(Special thanks to Esther's father for directing me to this.)

Wednesday, April 16, 2008


I'm too much of the nervous type to watch debates (I also avoid them because I don't think I could quell my nausea when hearing Barack Obama's voice), but I am reveling in the reports of Obama's terrible performance tonight. I think that Hillary's strong showing will be held against her (apparently, when the moderators asked Obama a tough question, it was all Hillary's fault), but I'll worry about that later. In the mean time, let us laugh:

Tuesday, April 15, 2008

Call the Department of Fish Family Services

I am a bad fish mother. I've been overfeeding little Rusalka and now her water is all cloudy and gross. When I moved some of the gravel in her tank, it stirred up a ton of old food and she's been gorging herself on it. So, hopefully, the filter in the tank will do its job and remove some of the icky food particles and bacteria. Cats are so much easier.

Sunday, April 13, 2008

Welcome our new pet

Someone at my office had the ill-advised plan to use goldfish as decorations at a work party last week. What do goldfish become after they have served their time as decor? They become fodder for a toilet flush, which is why I brought one home with me on Friday. Discipulus Legis and I went to Petco yesterday to buy it a new tank and, after a few touch-and-go moments, the fishie seems to have adapted quite well to its new home.

So now comes the important task of naming the fish. I'm very bad at naming pets. At first I thought Hillary Finton would be cute, but then I also like Jadwiga and Beatrix. Discipulus Legis likes the name Vito, but last night I also came up with Poseidon and, my favorite so far, Rusalka.

Decisions, decisions.

Clinging to hopes of Obama's demise

I have to admit I'm a little surprised at the furor over Barack Obama's recent comments deriding small town Americans who supposedly "cling to guns or religion." I would've thought the Jeremiah Wright debacle would've been far more damaging. But then again, I'm an atheist who supports gun control and lives in San Francisco, so what would I know?

In any case, I'm delighted this has blown up in Obama's face and I hope the mushroom cloud only grows bigger in the weeks to come. Onward to Pennsylvania!

Monday, April 7, 2008

Obama's America

This is what Obama's America looks like, the America of this great uniter:

Obama is obstructing revotes in Florida and Michigan, yet it's Clinton that gets tarred with "she'll do anything to get elected!" Incredible. Read more by Taylor Marsh at The Huffington Post.

Thursday, April 3, 2008

Another ridiculous GLAAD press release

I love reading GLAAD press releases because they are such rich sources of (unintentional) humor. For example, this recent gem: Call on AP to Highlight Anti-Gay Attitudes that Lead to Violence Against Gay and Transgender People

The release claims that this AP story "unfairly assigns blame" to a 15-year-old gay student for his own murder, a hate crime. GLAAD says:
Although the AP received GLAAD’s Eye on the Media, which provided resources to report on the larger issue of the intersection of anti-gay bullying and violence, the story highlights allegations from students that King told Brandon McInerney, the shooter, that he liked him the day before he was shot.
You mean the Associated Press, a world-renowned news organization, did not change their reporting despite receiving a GLAAD Eye on the Media? I truly wonder how the AP manages to function without receiving these vital informational dispatches on a daily basis.

In any case, GLAAD is going after the AP for stating the obvious: that teenage boys are insecure and may freak out if other boys make sexual passes at them. Nowhere in the article is there any mention that this is an excuse for the crime, or that it justifies the crime, or that anyone believes it should be used as a legal defense, just that it is. On the whole, it's an excellent article and quotes many of the spokespeople and organizations that I'm sure GLAAD was pushing for, which makes the release all the more ridiculous.

Plus, GLAAD writes that the AP should explore the "intersection" of anti-gay bullying and violence, which is simply annoying. Whenever anyone wants to explore the "intersection" of anything, you know it's nothing more than dumb people trying to make themselves sound smart.