Saturday, June 28, 2008

Marching naked ladies

I attended my first ever San Francisco Dyke March this evening with Discipulus Legis. Here are some pictures we took of this memorable evening.

I don't mean to be catty, but this one is like trying to put toothpaste back in the tube:

In case you can't read the sign, it says "TAKE OFF YOUR SHIRT." As we passed by, some lesbian behind us yelled out, "Take off YOUR shirt... on second thought, KEEP YOUR SHIRT ON." I can't say I disagreed with that sentiment:

The picture of this lesbian's tattoo is blurry, but it totally looks like Manannan, the evil wizard from King's Quest III:

See the resemblance?

I try to keep it clean on my blog, but I've got to post this. If you have small children nearby, cover their innocent eyes:

"Quick! My dignity! It's getting away! Catch it! Hurry!":

If you ever wondered what happened to Rainbow Brite after she enjoyed the heights of fame in the 1980s:

Gay men: "Wooooo! We love dykes! And beer! And dykes! But mostly beer!":

"I came to SF Dyke March and all I got was this lousy death wish":

Thursday, June 26, 2008

Change we can believe in

So the great Progressive Hope, Barack Obama, offered several interesting policy explications in the past few days. To review, he supports:
Now there's some change we can believe in. I know that many of his supporters are beyond being able to see how flawed their Dear Leader is, but I can only hope that this news has at least some in the Obama Fan Club taking the Obama campaign signs out of their windows and using the cardboard to absorb the bitter tears falling from their newly opened eyes.

If Obama agrees with McCain on everything, I'd rather just vote for the real Republican, not the fake one.

Wednesday, June 25, 2008

Misanthropy, thy name is me

I am so over humanity these days. First, I read about how climate change is far, far worse than anyone is talking about and how humans will be responsible for killing off half the species that currently exist on the planet. Then, I read about how Wimbledon officials shot and killed pigeons because they were pooping on tables and "interfering" with the enjoyment of watching outrageously overpaid people hit a small yellow ball to-and-fro. Anything involving cruelty to pigeons usually pushes me over the edge. Didn't Gandhi say something about how we can judge men by how they treat animals?

Whatevs. Humans get what they deserve.

Props to PETA once again.

Saturday, June 21, 2008

Opera at the Ballpark, Lucia edition

Discipulus Legis and I went to AT&T Park last night to see Lucia di Lammermoor simulcast live from the War Memorial opera house. It wasn't exactly my cup of tea (bel canto opera as a whole is not my cup of tea), and the sexism in the opera reminded me a bit too strongly of Obama and the DNC, but I still enjoyed myself immensely. My favorite Discipulus Legis quote from last night: "I loved Tosca because she just fucking died at the end." Yes, it did take Lucia and Edgardo a long time to die. Below is video from the event.

Friday, June 13, 2008

Celebrate National Pigeon Day!

Today is National Pigeon Day! Celebrate by feeding some pigeons. I know I did!

Sunday, June 8, 2008


Today Discipulus Legis and I unregistered from the Democratic Party. I can't speak for her, but for me, it felt darn good.