Wednesday, August 27, 2008

Oceania has always been at war with Eastasia

I have been on a bit of a hiatus from blogging, and during that time I've had the pleasure of reading George Orwell's 1984, a book I somehow missed reading in high school, college, and grad school (and I was an English major, to boot). I think it's especially fitting that I'm reading it during this election cycle, particularly during the Democratic National Convention.

All of the Newspeak words have taken on a richer meaning set against the backdrop of the DNC. For example, Obama and his most ardent supporters engage in "doublethink" all the time ("Supporting FISA is good. It has always been good"), and they frequently try to shove things--like Bill Clinton's entire presidency--down the memoryhole. And then there's "thoughtcrime," such as when a Hillary supporter points out one of Obama's many flaws, and a "Party member" (i.e. flaming Obamabot) responds that any sentiment against The One ("Big Brother") cannot be tolerated and will only help John McCain get elected.

So, when the "Democratic party" ("SLAVERY IS FREEDOM," WAR IS PEACE," etc., etc.) went through the motions of a sham roll call "vote" today, it hardened my feelings against Obama and the DNC even more. It actually inspired me to make an addition to the Hillary pin I've been sporting on my bag the past few months:

It's blurry, but you get the point. Winston ends up loving Big Brother. I will not.

Tuesday, August 5, 2008


Why does Pastor Becky Fischer from Jesus Camp look like a huge honkin' dyke?

Friday, August 1, 2008

O wise kitteh

Neither does the presumed Democratic nominee for president.