Wednesday, July 25, 2007

If all ads were like this...

...I wouldn't use my DVR to fast forward through them.

Very nice, but it would've been better if it had featured basketball players, particularly Discipulus Legis.

Thanks! I think...

I got this comment in response to one my videos up on YouTube:
Hát ez király! Hehehe, nagyon jó! X-D

I translated it with a free translation site and it says it means this:

Back this king! Hehehe , it's very good!

I guess that's a compliment, right?

You be the judge:

Wednesday, July 18, 2007


I can't say I like the fact that The Simpsons Movie is partnering with cow killer Burger King, but I have to give them props for this truly genius marketing idea: The Simpsonize Me web site.

You upload a photo and it produces a picture of what you'd look like as a Simpsons character. This is what the site said I would look like:

Woah! A little much with the lipstick there.

After some tweaks and lipstick removal with a photo editing program, this is what I arrived at:

Kinda neat, huh? Finally, a scene that depicts what I would be doing right now if I lived in Springfield:

The Met: Morning, noon, and night

Actually the time frame is more like late afternoon, dusk, and night, but I took these pictures of The Metropolitan Opera when I was in NYC with Discipulus Legis earlier this year. They've been languishing in my phone since then, so I thought I would post them. I heart the Met.

A picture is worth a thousand open houses

Discipulus Legis and I were in San Francisco two weeks ago looking for an apartment. The picture below, taken at the hotel we stayed at, is a visual metaphor for our search.

We found a place, but I would like to make an obscene gesture to the landlords, collectively, of San Francisco, California.

Wish I could do the same with my work computer

From Reuters: Police excuse angry computer user for outburst.

The article reads in part:
A German man who startled his neighbors when he hurled his computer out of the window in the middle of the night, was let off for disturbing the peace by police who sympathized with his technical frustrations.
I betcha anything his computer was a Dell running a Windows product.

Tuesday, July 3, 2007

U can explainz whai i like LOLCats?

I don't even know where to begin in trying to explain the phenomenon of LOLCats (maybe can help). Basically, it's this thing where people take pictures of cats (or bunnies, or dogs, or any animal, really) and insert captions (in bold white text) that are written in an odd syntactical style. A very popular LOLCat is one where the phrase "I CAN HAS CHEEZBURGER?" is inserted into the cat picture. Whatever they are, I think LOLCats are the most hilarious thing to hilarify themselves out of hilarity town. Here are a few ones that have made me laugh [out loud] lately. Visit for more.

People's Republic of Chicken Killers

China is a messed up country for many reasons -- suppressing democracy, poisoning food supplies, numerous human rights violations -- but for me this just underlines the f-ed up mentality that is at work over there.
A zoo spokesman told People's Daily: "We wanted to bring out the savage nature of the tigers while they were still cubs."
Um, to what end? An adorable bloodbath?

Please, China, refrain from putting baby chickens in tiger cages and maybe allow an election or two while you're at it. Thanks.

Los Angeles; like a Boschian hellscape, only worse

Things I hate about Los Angeles:

Abundant use of gasoline-powered leaf blowers; the weather; right-turn on red; pedestrian-unfriendly streets and sidewalks; smog; the proliferation of SUVs; cell phones cemented to drivers' ears; Bluetooth wireless ear pieces that make people wearing them look either a) crazy (you look like you're talking to yourself) or b) like egotistical jackasses (are you REALLY that important that you must have a piece of telephony attached to your head at ALL times?); the lack of police patrols on foot; homeless, homeless everywhere; the lack of water restrictions of any kind even though LA is a DESERT and is experiencing a DROUGHT; people who say that they love the weather even though they go from their air-conditioned home, to their air-conditioned car, to their air-conditioned office, and then back again; aggressive drivers who have no idea how to drive; sprawl; crappy public transportation network; freeways; the lack of road tolls to combat congestion; and the lack of decent pizza.

I'm sure there's more, but that's all I can think of for now.