I've been neglecting my blog as of late, so I'm going to do a quick recap of some of the highlights (or in the case of #3, lowlights) of the past two weeks in reverse chronological order:
1.) Ariodante
I went to go see
Ariodante at the San Francisco Opera. Baroque opera is one of my most favorite entertainments, so of course I highly enjoyed this production. Susan Graham rocked it out as Ariodante (her "Scherza infida" was amazing), and although I was at first skeptical of
OperaVision (large screens they had installed in the upper balcony onto which they projected high-definition video of the performance), I decided it actually is a good idea.

2.) Drag show at Aunt Charlie's Lounge
Discipulus Legis and I went with a couple of friends to
Aunt Charlie's Lounge for their famous drag show. It was probably one of the most fun things I've ever done. Aunt Charlie's is a nice little dive bar on perhaps the nastiest corner of the Tenderloin, but the drinks were good (not to mention
extremely strong and cheap) and the performers were amazing. My particular favorite was the fabulous 80s stylings of Miss Evita Minx (below).

WantedWe also went to go see
Wanted, Angelina Jolie's latest movie. It ranked among the worst movies I've seen, ever. I have not the strength nor the stomach to go into why is was bad, just trust me, it was horrible.