New York City Council Speaker Christine Quinn recently called pigeons "rats with wings." A spokesperson for a group called the Urban Wildlife Coalition said that was equivalent to calling pigeons an "epithet . . . much like the n-word."
No, it's not like using the "n-word," but Quinn is f-ing stupid for saying it anyway.
My love for pigeons is a given, so I won't even get into that. But why do people have such hatred for animals that are really, really successful at thriving in awful conditions? Once, while waiting on the subway platform at 34th street in New York City, I saw a big fat momma rat, a big fat daddy rat, and three little baby rats scurry across the platform and into the subway tunnel. If you're a rat, and you can get plump and raise three bebehs all the while dodging trains, avoiding the third rail, and managing to find food that isn't poisonous, then more power to you. Same with mice and cockroaches. I've lived in apartments with vermin, and while I can't say I enjoyed it, I wouldn't fault the little creatures for being what they are and doing what they do best.
In the mean time, I hope someone coats Christine Quinn in honey, rolls her in birdseed, and throws her to the pigeons in Central Park.