Tuesday, April 17, 2007

Nope, sorry, still don't get it

President Bush on the killings at Virginia Tech:

"We lift them up in our prayers and we ask a loving God to comfort those who are suffering."
Oooor... you could ask that "loving" omnipotent [addition and emphasis mine] god to have prevented the shooting in the first place instead of comforting people after the fact. I've never understood the "god let man have free will" argument. It just seems like an easy cop out for when things don't go believers' ways (which they often don't). If god is omnipotent, but he supposedly let people have free will, then he just turns a blind eye to humanity's suffering, so why would he want to comfort you? He clearly abandoned you, and isn't that a total bummer?

Thanks but no thanks. I'll stick to atheism, which actually affirms and celebrates life.

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