Wednesday, January 23, 2008

Happy cows come from California?

I hate the "Happy cows come from California" ad campaign. Every time I see those mother f-ing commercials on TV, all I can think about is Cowschwitz, the huge factory farm that Discipulus Legis and I drive by on our way to and from San Francisco and Los Angeles. Um, yeah, those cows look really happy to be standing around in their own filth with not a single blade of grass to be seen for miles.

This is Cowschwitz from above:

Let's zoom in for a closer look. Each of those whitish dots is one of those "happy" California cows, thousands of them packed into 100 square miles of factory farm:

Then there's Discipulus Legis's picture that she took of what it looks like on the ground:

I guess if you like things that are wretched and miserable and covered in feces, "happy California cows" are for you.

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