Monday, June 18, 2007

I see smart people

A very good documentary about the credit card industry, Maxed Out, is now available on DVD. The movie has a very Michael Mooresian feel (poignant moments mixed in with much absurd hilarity) and I highly recommend it, mostly for the segments that feature Elizabeth Warren, Leo Gottlieb Professor of Law at Harvard Law School (pictured, insouciantly posed on a desk, at right).

Ms. Warren seems like a very smart, kind, cool lady. I want to sit cross-legged in front of her--like in pre-school where all the kids sit on the mat in front of the teacher--and just learn things from her about the world and how it really works.

In any case, you should rent Maxed Out and visit, where Ms. Warren blogs on occasion. When it comes to economics, I am either completely apathetic or actively intellectually hostile to the subject, but she makes it fascinating. Check it out and you'll learn something.

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