San Francisco Chronicle reported today that there was a rash of shootings and stabbings in SF this weekend, and one shooting was near the gay Safeway where
Discipulus Legis and I prefer to do our grocery shopping. This city is WAY too tolerant of crime; it coddles the people who are likely to commit it and does nothing to prevent the conditions that cause it. What exactly does the SFPD
do to earn their paychecks? Why doesn't city government do anything about it either? Oh yeah, because the people who run this city are a bunch of bleeding-heart, liberal do-nothings. The Summer of Love ended more than three decades ago. It's time that the city grew up and started tackling some of its problems.
1 comment:
Excellent post, as usual, Vox Dixit. It just not fair that after working so hard and paying such high rent to live here we have to put up with this crap. The mayor, district attorney's office, and police department need to be doing more with our tax dollars to clean up this city!
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